Monday, June 27, 2011

A Change in Plans

Greetings from Athens.  Yes, thats right Athens.  Also bare with me as my keyboard is in another language and I'm winging it.  We were supposed to go to the island of Ios today, but found out when we were heading to the port of Santorini that workers are striking for the next two days in Greece.  This means that if we were to go to Ios chances of missing our flights home is almost inevitable.  I start my job on Tuesday.  

So, here we are back in Athens.  To get here, we had to take a 5 hour ferry ride.  Now, let me tell you our ferry rides have not been the most pleasant part of our trip.  To think about spending 5 hours on one terrified me.  Thankfully our tour company bumped us up to VIP for the ride home - it was smooth sailing.

We're making the best out of our situation and I just hope that rioting doesn't break out or endanger our group in any way.  Keep us in your thoughts.

On a funny note - I rode a donkey yesterday in Santorini.  For those of you who do not know - I broke my arm in 5th grade being thrown from a horse.  I thought though that its an experience and I should do it.  My donkey was overworked - but I could tell we clicked well.  As he was carrying me up the thousand steps, the wind blew fiercely.  He was spooked and all of a sudden turned around and began taking me down the steps.  I tried to remain as calm as possible and a few other donkeys followed suit.  After the experience, I described to a friend on the trip that like in Avatar, I knew everything would be OK with the animal and sure enough, in a few seconds, we turned back to climb the stairs.  Although I was relieved to be heading back to the town, I wished at that moment I had chosen the cable cars.

Thats all for now, more updates as I learn more about the situation here in Athens.  Crazy to be right in the action.

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