Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day Rituals

Growing up in West Michigan was amazing as I lived only half an hour from Lake Michigan.  Let me tell you - summers there were beautiful, but the winter months, cold and snowy.  I, however, am a winter baby and enjoy making snow angels, going skiing, and going ice skating.  So, winter doesn't scare me and I embrace it most when I can take advantage of the snow fall with a SNOW DAY.  As a student at a university, it seldom happens that the university actually closes its doors for the day... but I'm hoping that will change.

The Midwest has entered what many Americans have affectionately named the "Snowpocalypse of 2011."  So, as I once did as a child in hopes of a snow day, I am conducting my snow day ritual - wearing my pajamas inside out, hoping to spend tomorrow relaxing, reading a book (yes for fun!), and drinking hot cocoa.  Looks like Punxsutawney Phil's prediction may prove to be obsolete this year as this storm is making many of us believe there will be 6 more weeks of winter...

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