Friday, February 25, 2011

'That Couple'

I love eating local.  So, when my best friends were in town last weekend, I wanted to take them to a great local place called Skillet.  This place is phenomenal - they do a seasonal menu with everything being from 'farm to fork.'  In addition, the restaurant maybe has 10 tables total... it's cute, but a tight squeeze. So when my friends and I walk in (more like squeeze in) to put our names down, we had to wait almost an hour to get our table.  As we waited, we observed those already enjoying their meals...

Because of the limited space, you have the option of putting your name on the list and going to sit in your car and they can call you on the phone.  So, as we're waiting the man approaches the list and calls out a name... no one answers.  I'm sure everyone else was hoping what I was: this person is not in their car - they've already found another place to eat.  Yet, I do not see the man cross the name off the list - instead, he marks a table number. 

No less than 2 minutes later, a couple walks in.  As they walk in, they are directed to a table that has a booth on one side and two chairs on the other.  Where do they sit?  Next to one another in the booth.  They are 'that couple.'  My friends and I begin to judge.  I do have to say, I apologize if this is how you prefer to sit with your significant other, but honestly, it just seems awkward not only to me, but a good number of people.  They get all cozy in their booth and in a few minutes time, a cinnamon roll appears.  They split it and begin to feed it to each other.  This is breakfast people.  Not a dim lit romantic restaurant.

But maybe that's what this couple wants, to bring attention to their relationship.  I couldn't help but stare to see what they would do next.  Thankfully, a little while after the display began, my girlfriends and I sat at our booth... all next to each other.  That's right, we one up-ed the 'that couple.'

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