Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Quarter of a Century

Turning 25 on Fat Tuesday pretty much makes it the best day ever.  Not only are you allowed to eat an absurd amount of food on your birthday, it is also reinforced by the fact that today you are supposed to be a glutton.  So I ate cake, two pieces - and a lot of yummy delicious meals with some of my closest friends in Milwaukee. I truly felt so full after dinner tonight that my body believed it was November and Thanksgiving.

Now, I think in my 25 years, I've been very fortunate to have some wonderful life experiences including but not limited to: being a Bronco, Buckeye, OSL, singing in Ireland/Poland/Czech Republic, camping on the shores of Lake Michigan, runs on the Dish, NYC musicals, almost dying riding a donkey in Greece, trips to Taho Falls, and many many more.  

So, thinking back to the first quarter of my life, I wanted to create a list of 25 things that I want to accomplish in the next 25 years.  A bucket list of sorts.

1. Run a marathon (I'm signed up for one in October - here's to hoping it happens)
2. Read at the very least 12 new novels a year (one a month shouldn't be too difficult)
3. Climb Machu Picchu - this would also require me to travel to South America
4.Travel to South Africa - I've always wanted to see the Cape of Good Hope
5. Become confident with my cooking skills.
6. Go for a run in 25 US cities that I have not yet visited
7. Perform in a community theater production
8. Graduate with another degree
9. See at least 1 concert a year
10. Complete a triathlon
11. Re-read the Harry Potter series at least 5 more times
12. Live abroad.
13. Visit London town. (I have a fascination with the Royal Family and I want to take a trip to Kensington Gardens to view the statue of my favorite childhood story, Peter Pan)
14. Go to every Midnight showing of the Hunger Games movies. (slightly joking, but read the books)
15. Become more crafty - as in making gifts for others or nifty things for around the house (TGFP - thank God for Pinterest)
16. Get a dog - take dog for runs, lay with dog most days, and play with dog most days
17. Buy a pair of Christian Louboutin's and rock them (after all, nothing, in my opinion, is better than a tall woman rocking heels).
18. Feel successful in my career
19. See at least 5 musicals a year 
20.Plant and tend a garden successfully
21. Make my own compost (and us it on my garden!)
22. Become a certified fitness instructor.
23. Dye my hair.  Believe or not, it's never been done before.
24. Learn a language (preferably Italian - sounds like you're singing when speaking!  Bella!)
25. Learn to play the guitar.

I think I have some exciting times to look forward to.  Thanks for the birthday love.  Only the best is yet to come.

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