Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fear the Deer

Last evening, we took about 50 of our students to a Milwaukee Bucks game.  This happened to be my first time seeing the Bucks play and probably my first NBA game I had gone to in years.  I really didn't know what to expect, but I was interested to see what the Bucks had to offer.  It makes sense that Milwaukee's team is named for a deer.  I mean, what else do Wisconsinites like to do in the Fall other than go deer hunting?  And the best part about it is their catch phrase of "Fear the Deer."  I mean, I was for sure intimidated.

Once the game began, I was even more impressed with my half time experience.  Walking out to the lobby area, I witnessed a drum line.  How cool is that. I never was in band, but I have to say, I've always appreciated a good solid drum line.  Then, upon my return to my seat, the half time show began.  Words cannot describe how awesome and strange the performance was: A One Man Village People.  No joke.  This guy stood in the middle, dressed as the Native American character and had four life size puppets - two in front and two behind, hooked up to him with this interesting contraption that made them look almost real.  They danced around the court to the YMCA, In the Navy, and even to some classic MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice.  It pretty much was epic and something I had never witnessed before.

To top it off, the Bucks beat the Magic.  Great first trip to see my local NBA team.

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