Saturday, October 29, 2011

Zombies, Lady Gaga, and Harry Potter, Oh My!

What do these three things have in common?  Well...they are popular Halloween costumes that happen to grace college campuses across the nation.  The history of Halloween dates back as early as the Romans - it wasn't until the 16th century that the actual name "Halloween" was used to describe the day before all saints day.  It's interesting to think the tradition of Halloween has gone from a celebration of one night to a multi-day celebration.  Honestly, it's one of the few holidays that is celebrated beyond the day.  Or in the case this year, before the day.  

Working on a college campus, I get to witness Halloween, not just on October 31st, but have witnessed students adorned in costume Thursday, Friday, and now Saturday evening.  And let me tell you - these students are creative.  Different costumes every night.  Now that's what I call dedication.  I'm always impressed with those who have immense creativity when it comes to their costume - I would say the most creative I've been in recent times was when my college roommates decided we would be a flock of sheep.  Many glue gun sticks and pillow stuffing bags later, we had a flock of 6 sheep.  Clean up around our apartment was not easy - stuffing was found moths following the holiday.

Although Halloween may receive a reputation for the older crowd as being a time to go out and socialize with friends - I find it to be an opportunity to exercise one's creativity.  As a kid, I dressed up on the reg.  We wore old dresses belonging to our mothers and often times put on dance costumes from our most recent recital.  Halloween brings that excitement back for everyone and I for one, am all about expressing creativity.

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