Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April Showers Bring May Flowers...?

It's been exceptionally rainy in Central Ohio as of late.  And I'm really getting sick of it.  This past weekend, I spent time in sunny 80 degree weather in the beautiful city of New Orleans and come back to this... I think every day this week it's rained at some point and I know that those who were in Columbus over the weekend experienced rain on the regular.

But I've always tried to make the most of a Debbie Downer situation by finding the positive spin... and it made me remember the saying "April Showers Bring May Flowers."  It's April 27th.  May is just days away. 

So, of course, I then looked up where this saying came from and found it has American roots - traced back to Thomas Tusser in a poem he wrote in 1557.  So, if we've been saying this phrase for a few hundred years it has to be true.  All I have to say is I'm looking so very forward to May.

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