Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Farewell to a Hollywood icon

This morning, we were informed by national news or other avenues of communication that American movie star, Elizabeth Taylor passed away.  And although I'm not a die hard fan, I can't help but think of the impact the woman made in her 79 years with the American people and movie fanatics across the world.  Her beauty alone allowed her to play the part of Cleopatra and also put her at the status of a Hollywood icon.  And who could forget her multiple marriages that recieved huge media coverage and attention?

Elizabeth Taylor, along with other icons of her day make up my image of Hollywood - the glamour and the glitz of that period can never be topped.  Her career grew as did the technology to spread instant communication about the lives of celebrities.  And although I'm sure the fascination with celebrities came a bit before her time, Elizabeth Taylor really lived in the spotlight throughout her entire career. 

It makes me curious what stars of today are going to be the Elizabeth Taylors of our time?  I know that right now some names pop out, but that doesn't mean in a few years time that they could be unsuccessful and looking for the next role to serve as their comeback.  And although I sometimes questioned the company she kept (if you were unaware, Michael Jackson was one of her closet friends)... Elizabeth Taylor serves as an icon in American Hollywood history and should be honored for her career and her contribution to American culture.

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