Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

I woke up this morning to hit the gym a little earlier than usual - around 6:30am and walk in to find a plethora of folks hitting the gym.  Why?  It's the beginning of 2011.  They want hott bods and are prepping for their Spring Break. 

It always amazes me how quickly these folks tend to fall off the bandwagon with their gym regiment...  I do, however, commend them for giving it the good 'ol college try.  I too was one of them - it wasn't until the summer before grad school that I began to work out as much as I had in my high school days.

So why do we in American culture continuously celebrate the passing of the new year with an idea of a fresh start or giving up something or starting something just to let it slide a few weeks later?  Does it legitimize us with our peers?  Do we feel more socially acceptable because we can converse with others about our resolutions?

I do know that some people do become successful with these resolutions - but I think really a resolution can come at any time of year.  I do not believe January 1st has to serve as a time to change my life habits or start something new.  I think that we should strive to empower ourselves to make a change without marking the passing of another year.  I truly believe this would measure greater success than just jumping on the bandwagon January 1st.  It's like taking the road less traveled... and that makes all the difference.

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