Thursday, July 26, 2012

If Bella Chose Jacob.

A Note to the Reader:  Do not take anything in this post seriously.  Seriously.

Now, that I've cleared that up... I thought Kristen Stewart's moment of indiscretion deserved some attention.  Not really - as this is flooding entertainment magazines and television screens, I can't help but think about maybe some other things happening in the world... you know, the Olympics kick off officially tomorrow with opening ceremonies, and the terrible shooting that occurred last week for the Dark Knight Rises have now been forgotten, thanks to KStew.  If you really have no idea what I'm talking about with the craze of this news, take a look at this YouTube video: I'm seriously baffled on how people can just cry over celebrities (we don't know them personally and yet people think they know what's really going on), but I think that's a whole other post in its entirety...

For those of you who have read the Twilight series, you are aware that in the end, Bella chooses Edward.  (If I just spoiled it for you, do not be mad at me - these books have been out for years and you could rent any of the movies to find this out.)  In real life, Kristen Stewart chose her co-star Robert Pattinson to be her man.  What if Bella chose Jacob instead of Edward?  Would we be in this hott mess in real life?  The answer would still probably be yes... but you can't help but think if Bella chose Jacob what her life would be like.  And so, here's a glimpse into her human life with Jacob Black:
  • Bella would never need a blanket - thank goodness Jacob's natural body temp is over 100 degrees so she could just always cozy up to him to feel warm.
  • Bella would age - I know, getting older is a terrible thing.  But so is remaining 19.  Forever.
  • Jacob would never imprint - leaving Bella to being his #1 gal.
  • Bella would've never gotten into that mess with the Vulturi in the first place.
  • Jacob and Bella could live in peaceful harmony on the res with all of the other members of the wolf-pack.
  • The Cullen's would have just left Forks early on and found some other town where they could be the weirdly beautiful family of adoptive siblings that date one another... except for Edward.

The list really could go on and on... So, I have to admit that I too was totally a team Edward, but maybe I should have been rooting for Jacob all the way.  You live and you learn.

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