Monday, August 27, 2012

Give Me Some Real News.

I had a moment today where I had to ask myself... "Why is the news covering the fact that Snooki had her baby?"  I mean, seriously.  Is this really what the American majority really cares most about?  They'd like to make me think this to be true.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not an always listening to NPR and reading BBC World News type gal - I do on occasion enjoy some celeb gossip here and there (probably because our society is so curious to find out more about the lives of these people and often include it in our news sources).  But, I'm curious as to why I would be interested in learning more about Snooki's birth experience.  Maybe I'm slightly annoyed with the fact that she makes way more money than I do by making a fool of herself on national television.  And then I wonder why people are so interested in this type of television - I guess people feel like they want to escape their own reality to see what crazy thing she's up to next...

I just feel like news stories such as the one above, tend to overshadow real news events that deserve the attention.  So, here's my plea to American news sources to include some more news with substance.  If I want to know more about the Jersey Shore, I'll watch MTV.  

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